The purpose of the impeller liner in a slurry pump

The main components of a slurry pump are the volute liner, which includes the impeller, throatbush, and liner plate. We have previously discussed the impeller of a slurry pump, and today we will talk about the liner plate.

The main components of a slurry pump are the volute liner, which includes the impeller, throatbush, and liner plate. We have previously discussed the impeller of a slurry pump, and today we will talk about the liner plate.

A slurry pump is used to transport slurry containing solid particles, so the wear on the volute liner of the slurry pump can be severe. Therefore, the volute liner of a slurry pump is required to be wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant. Currently, the liner plate of a slurry pump is generally made of high-chrome alloy, which has good wear resistance. Another option is rubber material, which is not suitable for materials with sharp-edged particles in the liquid. There is also a type called A49, which is commonly used in desulfurization projects and has good corrosion resistance. Ceramic lining is another option, which has high hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, but it is brittle and not widely used in slurry pumps.

The liner plate is divided into front liner plate and back liner plate. Not all pump models have liner plates. For smaller pumps, such as rubber pumps, they only have an impeller and throatbush without liner plates. Smaller pumps made of high-chrome alloy may have a back liner plate but not a front liner plate.


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